Best Probiotics for Allergies

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Best Probiotics for Allergies

Do Probiotics Really Help?

There is some conflicting research on this topic. Some studies indicate probiotics work best when used by pregnant women, to prevent allergies in children or infants. Others claim there are no benefits, and some studies report people had improved symptoms when taking probiotics during allergy season.

The results could be due to several reasons ranging from the strains of probiotics that were used to the length of use. Many factors can affect the studies.

Although the results of the studies are conflicting, taking a high-quality probiotic is unlikely to cause any problems. If you do try a probiotic don’t expect results overnight. If you try a probiotic and symptoms don’t improve in 3 months it may not be the right probiotic, or simply may not help your allergies.

The Best Probiotics for Allergies

There was a study that people stated improvement in allergy symptoms after taking a probiotic for 6 weeks. The study was a double-blind and placebo-controlled study. There were fecal and blood samples were taken from the participants. It is one of the better studies I could find, and it had positive results. The strains of probiotics they used were Lactobacillus gasseriBifidobacterium bifidum, and B. longum. Best Probiotics for AllergiesLook for a probiotic with these three strains on the label if you are looking to improve allergies. If you can’t find all three look for a minimum of two of the strains.

In this study, they drew blood to test for allergy markers. The markers were the same in the placebo group and the group receiving probiotics, but the participants receiving probiotics stated improvement in allergy symptoms. The body still reacts to the allergins but the symptoms were less when taking probiotics. The study was only 6 weeks, so it is unsure if longer use would continue to improve allergy symptoms, or if symptoms returned after the probiotics were stopped.

There may be other probiotics that relieve allergy symptoms. These strains showed results in a well-done study and could be some of the best probiotics for allergies and worth a try.

When to Take Probiotics

During the study, probiotics were given at the peak of allergy season. It is possible that taking probiotics before the start of allergy season could be helpful. I would recommend starting no later than a month before allergy season if possible. If you are a year-round allergy sufferer then it is always your allergy season, test out probiotics any time of year just be aware it may take a few weeks to a month to start seeing results.

Start with a low dose. Anytime you’re starting a new product there is always a chance for a reaction or adverse effect. The probiotics can help repopulate the good bacteria in your gut, and healthy eating plus lots of fiber, to help feed the good bacteria, can help keep them there. It’s best to maintain the good bacteria, since taking a supplement for every beneficial bacteria your body needs is impossible.

How Much Should I take?

Dose recommendations can differ greatly by brand. Just start with a lower dose and work your way up. Depending on the brand doses can range anywhere from 1 billion to 10 billion. It usually isn’t a good idea to take more than the recommended dose on the bottle or what your health care provider prescribes.

If you notice any symptoms decrease the dose or stop. A little gas or bloating while your gut adjusts to the new probiotics isn’t worrisome, but large amounts of gas and bloating, nausea, headaches, concentration difficulties, or other symptoms occur, don’t assume there is a “die-off” phase and continue the probiotic. There are rare cases where bad reactions have occurred. If you have a weakened immune system or pre-existing health condition discuss dosing with your doctor first.

Do Probiotics Need to be Refrigerated?

I have tried probiotics that claimed there was no need to refrigerate them and ones that were kept cold. I found that there were consistently better results with the probiotics that were kept cold. It may be the quality is better, or there is no real good way to have shelf-stable probiotics for long periods of time.
If they are shipped and not cold for a couple of days don’t panic. Even though they should go in the refrigerator as quickly as possible a couple of days won’t cause them to be ineffective. It can take weeks for most to start losing efficiency at room temperature. Just make sure it is a trusted brand. If the product sits in a warm warehouse for months you are not getting the best quality product.
Extremely cheap brands could be a problem. Chances are they are not providing everything they claim. Look for brands that have good quality control, and possibly third-party testing. This can verify that what they claim is in a product actually present.

More Ways to Improve Allergies Naturally

If you would like information on more ways to improve allergies naturally check out Vitamins that Help Allergies. Some supplements that are useful for natural allergy relief are quercetin and bromelain, stinging nettle, or butterbur.
If you have any questions about probiotics leave a comment. Probiotics can help several health conditions, be sure to let us know if probiotics helped you with allergies or any other health concerns in the comments below.
Inform your health care provider of any changes you make. This is essential if you already have pre-existing health conditions and are on medications. Even if the products or changes you make have no “side effects” there could be a change in your health. Improvements in health could change the medication dosage or no longer require medication. It is possible probiotics could change the way some medications are metabolized.


Jennifer C Dennis-Wall, Tyler Culpepper, Carmelo Nieves, Cassie C Rowe, Alyssa M Burns, Carley T Rusch, Ashton Federico, Maria Ukhanova, Sheldon Waugh, Volker Mai, Mary C Christman, Bobbi Langkamp-Henken; Probiotics (Lactobacillus gasseri KS-13, Bifidobacterium bifidum G9-1, and Bifidobacterium longum MM-2) improve rhinoconjunctivitis-specific quality of life in individuals with seasonal allergies: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 105, Issue 3, 1 March 2017, Pages 758–767,

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