When searching for alternative treatments for allergies local raw honey came up often. It left me wondering does local raw honey help with allergies? If it does then how does honey help?
Many alternative health websites recommend raw local honey claiming it has a similar effect as allergy shots. Some claiming some pretty impressive results.
Most medical websites deny the possibility of local raw honey helping. Dismissing the idea almost as a joke or making raw honey sounds dangerous.
I spent years myself working as a registered nurse dismissing ideas like this only to turn around and find out how wrong I was (it hurts my pride to admit that). I decided to look into the idea of local raw honey helping allergies for myself.
Why Raw Honey? What’s The Difference?
The only difference between raw honey and regular honey is how they are processed.
Raw honey is removed from the hive and strained. After being strained it goes into jars to be used.