Should You Take Vitamin C for Allergies

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that your body needs for many functions. You probably heard about its ability to help the immune system. But is taking vitamin C for allergies useful or simply a waste of money. Some links in this article are affiliate links. I make a small commission at no extra cost … Read more

5 Important Vitamins for Allergy relief

Allergies can be a seasonal problem or all year problem. If you chronically suffer from allergies you could be low on some essential vitamins that help regulate the immune system. Here are 5 important vitamins for allergies that could help you get relief from your allergy symptoms. 1. Vitamin C for Allergies Vitamin C could … Read more

Health Benefits of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is essential for growth, development, and the immune system. There are many health benefits of vitamin A. It is abundant in many foods including dairy products, Cod liver oil, cabbage, parsley, and carrots just to name a few. FORMS OF VITAMIN A Vitamin A occurs in two forms … Read more

Vitamin D for Allergies

Vitamin D is the first supplement I would suggest for allergies. Unless you live where there is an abundant amount of sunshine and can be outside daily, chances are your vitamin D levels are low. Vitamin D deficiency is widespread even in areas where there is plenty of sunshine.

Simply taking some vitamin D could improve your allergies within a few weeks. It may take longer if your level of vitamin D is low. While waiting for vitamin D levels to rise look into quercetin and bromelain for some faster relief.

Taking Vitamin D for Allergies – How it Helps

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